Item Coversheet
Res. No. 2022-131 Consider authorizing the Mayor or Village Administrator to execute a Memorandum of Understanding for participation in the short-term Westchester Power extension contract for Communities in Con Edison service territory

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Pleasantville hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sustainable Westchester, subject to final review and approval by the Village Attorney as to form and substance, in order to continue to participate in the CCA Program in the Con Edison territory, through an extension of the ESA commencing on July 1, 2022; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that so long as the conditions set forth in the MOU are satisfied, the Village Board hereby authorizes the Mayor to sign an Agreement to Extend the Competitive Electric Service Agreement, subject to final review and approval by the Village Attorney as to form and substance.

BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED, that the Village Board hereby selects the 100% Renewal Clean Power Product as the Default Product for its residents and small businesses.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Board hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute any and all documents to effectuate the purpose of this Resolution.

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MOU RevisedBackup Material4/22/2022